The State of Solar in Texas

The following resources give an overview of the current state of solar energy in Texas.

The Growth of the Solar Industry

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The Growth of the Solar Industry

Over the last 10 years solar is grown significantly in Texas. According to Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), in 2022 Texas had 17,247 Megawatts of solar installed. SEIA estimates this is enough energy to power 1,957,307 homes.

Improving solar economics and additional tax incentives have spurred investment in utility-scale solar facilities in Texas. According to the Federal Reserve of Dallas, solar capacity in the state was expected to triple by the end of 2022. 

Annual and Total Rooftop Installations of Solar, North Central Texas


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DFW Solar Locations

Where are the solar installations in North Texas? Track them HERE!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) created the Re-Powering America's Land Mapping and Screening tools. With the RE-Powering Mapper, the EPA has pre-screened over 80,000 sites for their renewable energy potential. Over 2,400 Texas sites were evaluated for potential for large scale, utility scale, and off-grid photovoltaic (PV) installations. Check out this map to see potential solar energy sites on contaminated land in North Texas.

Other Resources

Encouraging Solar Adoption in North Central Texas

The Solar in Your Community workshop held by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) in collaboration with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) covered a variety of solar topics of interest to local governments, including large scale solar programs, consumer protection strategies, solar funding opportunities, and programs and technical assistance available to help local governments interested in taking on a solar project. See the presentations here.


North Central Texas Council of Governments. "Solar in Your Community Workshop" (May 2023)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). "How to Identify Sites" (May 2023)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). "U.S. EPA RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative Mapper"

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. "Solar lights up outlook for renewable energy in Texas" (Febuary 2022)

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). "Solar State By State" (2023)

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). "Texas Solar" (2023)

Texas Solar Power Association, "Solar in Texas: Current Status and Future Projections" (February 8, 2017).